Monday 4 April 2011

Question 9 - What was your contribution to the process during the planning, production and post production stages? - Natalie Thorpe

During the planning we all decided to distribute the work equally so everyone had an equal role in our group. My main contribution was the makeup design sheet, test shots, finding an actor and contributing my ideas towards to the film and storyboard. Due to everyone in our group contributing we became organised and finished all of the work on time. 

I believe my contribution through the production stage was filming and editing. The days we filmed I got my opinion across to the other members in my group, so I think I had quite an important role in directing what was going on in the filming. Me, Katie and Alex all contributed towards the filming, we took it in turns to film scenes so we all experienced using the camera. I filmed the part where our actress Ellie Walker was walking along the path towards the opening of the gate and then the close ups of her imaging the symbols on the tree. I also contributed to the editing along side Katie, we both split the shots to cut down the footage to produce our film. We also quickened a few shots to increase the tension and keep the audience guessing. We did this whilst Alex made to soundtrack on Garage Band. Towards the end of the sound track I helped put in some sounds such as the noise when the actress blinked this was a main focusing point as it tied in with our film name "Don't Blink". 

My contribution on the post production stages was posting some of the updates on the blog, including what we did in the lesson and what we did outside the lesson. I also uploaded some of the sheets for our planning stages onto the blog by scanning them onto the macs. We all contributed towards updating the blog to add our own opinions of the work we had done and the progress for our film. We also completed the evaluation questions I did questions 1,5,6 and 9. 

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