Saturday 2 April 2011


These are printscreens to show our title sequence. We were going to have them all on the first few shots of the hall but when we tried these it didn't work as well as we'd hope due to different timings. What we came up with was putting the product name on the very first, letting the next shots then carry on and then include our names when we have the increasing shots of our actress. This, we think, ended up working better. The shots weren't two far part so having the production name at the very beginning didn't look too far anyway, it still flowed. We then included a drifting title transition as it drifts to the right just in time for when she opens her eyes; it fits quite perfectly.
Our only problem we found was when putting on these titles, the shots blurred slightly. When we took them off again, they unblurred and went back into focus. We don't understand why it did this so left it but we hope it doesn't effect the overall sequence too much.

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