Monday 4 April 2011

Question 8: looking back to your preliminary task. what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From the first ever preliminary task to the final film we did, there are lots of differences. However these differences do show how far we have come. Differences include film length, camera use, soundtrack and the mise en scene. The biggest difference we noticed was the camera use as from then on, we started thinking about how we could make a shot better. Especially during the production of our film, we constantly thought about places and positions of the camera that could make a shot seem better.

Secondly one of the most important changes of all was that we felt that during the preliminary task we didn’t plan it as well as we could have. From the task we then learnt that planning is very important and sticking to a plan can shape a film and get things done a lot quicker. Also, another thing we learned was the fact that sound is just as important as the camera shots. Without a correct parallel soundtrack the film is dull, and so garage band was very important when creating our film.  

Finally, if we were to create our film again, we would start film as soon as we can and allow more time for editing. Also, when we have filmed, we should start to put together the scene in order to get an idea of what the film will look like and if there are any shots or scene that need editing. However I do think our overall performance of making a film was good, and we have come along way since the preliminary task.

Alex Rowbottom

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