Monday 4 April 2011

Question 6 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Through the imdb research I fount a film called Triangle, which is a 2009 British-Australian psychological horror film, directed by Christopher Smith. I also fount out that The UK Film Council awarded public money from the National Lottery fund towards the development, production and distribution of the film. Although both our production and the film Triangle are set in completely different locations there are  some distinctive similarities for example at the start of the trailer you will see one of the main female characters blinks you can see this in the trailer below, only 00.08 seconds into it. This is one of the main focusing points in our films as it relates to the title "Dont Blink". 

Trailer for Triangle:

The image below is taken from the film Triangle, the shot is an extreme close-up showing the characters emotions through her eyes. It is literally the same as the image taken from our production. 

Another similarity is the same character believes she sees a double of herself, you can see this at 01.07 minutes into the Triangle trailer. this shows everything is playing on her mind, its a psychological twist, we also tried to interpret this aspect into our film. 

The other horror film that had an influence on our production was "Drag Me To Hell" however this was an American horror film, there are mysterious happenings throughout which really keeps the audience guessing, the main influence we tried to interpret was the slamming of the gate (01.27 minutes into the trailer) We achieved this in our film, I believe it had a great impact on the psychological aspect. 
Trailer for Drag Me To Hell:

As our horror film is a low budget production it makes sense that the suitable ways to advertise it would be on the internet through popular websites such as YouTube and social network sites like Facebook. 
I think the companies would make great improvements to our film, as they have a substantial amount money to spend on the making of it, considering as was a low budget production i believe we did our best to produce a good opening. 

By Natalie Thorpe

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