Monday 4 April 2011

Question 9 - What was your contribution of the process during the planning, production and post production stages? - Katie Mckeag

9. Final Question (Answered by all group members) - What was your contribution of the process during the planning, production and post production stages? (Give specific examples of what you did)

During planning my main contribution was the storyboarding. We all had decided on the story and what shots we'd have liked during the sequence but then I went away and drew most of it up, sorted a few times and they showed Natalie and Alex and asked for their thoughts and then all three of us again altered parts to work better. 

I think my contribution through production was the organizing. Again, we had to figure out when each member was free as a group but I then thought about what was needed on the days of filming and made sure everything was there, like storyboards if we wanted to check over what was needed as well as bringing the symbols. I also contributed during editing with Natalie. With the first main parts like cutting everything out what wasn't needed and putting them in the right order, me and Natalie sorted that while Alex focused on Garageband. 

On the post-production stages I contributed with the blog. I decided to keep that in order and make sure we updated in weekly and write as much as we could, like print-screens of film and then a paragraph saying what it showed and our progress.

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