Monday 4 April 2011

Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

We decided that our target audience would be suitable to be 15+ because the content of the film wasn't graphic enough to be an 18. We all agreed on this age due to our genre being psychological/satanic horror, so the idea was to make the film play on the audiences mind. I believe we targeted the audience well as you can see from the results in the questionnaire. There was a varied response from the audience the majority said 15+ however some people said 12+ and others said 17-30. This shows we could of developed the audience’s knowledge of our target audience in a more explicit way. Throughout the film our aim was to maintain a good standard, keep the audience interested and show awareness of the target audience.  Our actor was 16 so this fitted well with the age of our target audience so they could relate back to the actor. The music we used worked well with the transitions in our editing, as our film was called don’t blink we added a series of shots where the actor was blinking accompanying this shot was a distinctive sound used to emphasize the significance of the shot. We aimed to keep the mise-en-scene simple yet affective this was to keep our target audience interested in what was having. The location was Wollaton Park; from the feedback given back everyone thought the location was extremely effective and fitted well with the genre of our horror film. So overall i think we adapted the filming extremely well to fit our intended target audience. 

By Natalie Thorpe

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