Sunday 27 March 2011

Evaluation Questions (Part 2) - Katie Mckeag

7. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
·         Consider the different technologies you have used, the Internet, Blogger, iMovie, Garageband, how did they help you make your film?
·         Did the technologies help you be more creative?
·         Did these technologies help you exhibit your film or improve the structure or your control over the piece?

I was really useful using all the different technologies for the project. The blog helped us keep track of our own progress, what’s been done and what needed to be done. We also used it for print screens when re-shooting to know where the symbol was on our actress’s neck. iMovie was clearly the one that helped the most, it’s what we imported out footage on and made it what it was. We used the internet for research before filming anything. It helped us figure out what really was needed in a satanic horror and search ones that inspired us. As well as that it helped us decide what fonts to use for our title sequence as there are lots of font sites to search and find what was best ( &

The technologies did help make the film more creative as Garageband is software that lets us make our own soundtrack to the film. It means we can make music match the intense parts of our film, it lets us make the whole thing ours including music. iMovie let us be more creative with it’s choice of effects and whatnot to improve the film. It didn’t all have to be simple cuts, we got choices.
They helped us exhibit our film again through iMovie, like Garageband we got to choose the parts we wanted the audience to concentrate on and alter what they may think of it, it all came from how we used those technologies. This one also helped improve structure as well as control as you can slow it right down to seeing single frames, it means we can cut of seconds so much easier and make it fit perfectly.

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