Monday 28 February 2011

Evaluation Questions (half-term homework) - Natalie Thorpe

My group consists of Natalie Thorpe, Katie Mckeag and Alex Rowbottom. Our task was to create the opening scene to a horror film, we decided on the genre satanic/possession as we all believed it would be an interesting topic to film. We did a brainstorm at the start of the task to highlight our ideas; this helped us pan out what we include in our horror film. This is where we got the original idea for the name of our production “Dont Blink”.
 We did research on horror films that already exist to get an idea of the type of film we wanted to create. We looked at Saw, Blade 2, The Exorcist and Halloween for ideas on our title sequence. Then we looked at Drag me to Hell and The Wicker Man for the horror aspect, in these films they had slamming gates and unusual mysterious things happening this is what we wanted to interpret into our film. You can see this on our presentation for our pitch.
Our production has work out really well, we work well as a team, we all contribute our ideas and we delegated the tasks equally between the three of us. We didn’t really have any major problems the only downfall was we were all from different areas so it was difficult to find days where we were able to film. However we worked around this in a sensible manor and managed to do the filming and a re-shoot.

Drag me to hell:                                                                            

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