Monday 28 February 2011

Evaluation Questions (half-term homework) - Natalie Thorpe

My group consists of Natalie Thorpe, Katie Mckeag and Alex Rowbottom. Our task was to create the opening scene to a horror film, we decided on the genre satanic/possession as we all believed it would be an interesting topic to film. We did a brainstorm at the start of the task to highlight our ideas; this helped us pan out what we include in our horror film. This is where we got the original idea for the name of our production “Dont Blink”.
 We did research on horror films that already exist to get an idea of the type of film we wanted to create. We looked at Saw, Blade 2, The Exorcist and Halloween for ideas on our title sequence. Then we looked at Drag me to Hell and The Wicker Man for the horror aspect, in these films they had slamming gates and unusual mysterious things happening this is what we wanted to interpret into our film. You can see this on our presentation for our pitch.
Our production has work out really well, we work well as a team, we all contribute our ideas and we delegated the tasks equally between the three of us. We didn’t really have any major problems the only downfall was we were all from different areas so it was difficult to find days where we were able to film. However we worked around this in a sensible manor and managed to do the filming and a re-shoot.

Drag me to hell:                                                                            


During half-term we went to Wollaton Park and filmed our horror sequence. We all think we got a lot of good footage and plenty to choose from. So today we uploaded this and begun to edit. We haven't started more detailed edits like transitions and such, we have just focused on cuts to find our perfect shots. 
Looking through we have realised that our title sequence, shots of the hall, is slanted, so this is one of the things we have to do again. 
Today Jo also came around to look through what we've been doing and also agreed with the fact that the title sequence won't quite work with the shots we have, she did think we had a lot of good shots to work with.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Evaluation Questions (half-term homework) - Katie Mckeag

 3. Who would be the audience for your media product?
·         Who is the target audience for a Horror film and how do you know this? (IMDB research/user ratings)
·         Post Bar Charts from IMDB user ratings to support your points.
·         Why is this group associated with Horror films? What do they like about them?
·         How are you going to use this information to help make a more effective film?
During the time we focused on our planning folder, we researched the target audience for our chosen genre Horror film. We used the movie site, IMDB to find this out for Possession/Satanic films. We found have its audience is general males.
The group is associated with horror films because males like to be scared. Possession films are usually about the devil with characters, like children or females, being possessed and going insane. They prefer them to say vampire films. Usually a main hero character perhaps is male; they are the lead to help the female, making them feel empowered. They don’t want a film that will make them think too much about what’s happening, it’s a Horror, it’s meant to be understood but frightening.
With this, we have made our main character female. We have no other characters in our sequence however; say a male that might help. Our female lead is both the one being possessed and vulnerable. A male audience wouldn’t want to see a male lead being a vulnerable character in a Horror. We’ll keep the storyline respectively simple but restrictive. This is so the audience can understood what they see on screen but realise there is more to come, for suspense and hitting the targets of a Horror film.

4. How does your media product represent social groups?
·         How does the Horror genre traditionally represent social groups and why? (Age, gender, stereotype, etc)
·         What did you do to accommodate these representations practically on your production? (Casting, mise-en-scene, etc)
·         Upload your images from existing films – your test shots, etc, to support your points
·        Use your evaluation research (questionnaire) to see if you were effective in representing these groups generically
A Horror genre traditionally represents a separation in gender. There are a few different ways a Horror can separate this particular social group. A film can have both a male and female lead, the man is there to protect the vulnerable woman when facing monsters, possessions, vampires, etc. Another way is to have a male character as the ‘villain’; they’re to be that monster or killer, etc, prying on the female. Men are seen to be the stronger gender so it works for a Horror. Age can also be represented in a horror. Teenagers can be used in horrors to be the victims as they’re seen as vulnerable characters too, as if they don’t pay attention so it’s inevitable for them to get into danger and possibly antagonise what may be after them.
We casted a female character for our production as she’d be seen as defenceless to what may be happening to her. We didn’t intend on making sure our lead was attractive but for Horrors the ideology is that ‘pretty blonds’ get stuck in the story and attacked, we fortunately had this. It makes our film seem cliché, but it works. Having looked at the qusetionnaires we believe we were successful and effective in representing these groups generically. Those that watched it could see we had a vunerable female lead that was also the 'bad guy'. She looked frightening for a horror as we had her with hair draped over her face staring at the camera. We also had her looking frightened when she noticed these things.

Monday 14 February 2011



Last lesson we decided to shoot during the half term, so today we went and booked out a camera as early as e could. Because we realised most of our film was unfocused, we decided we couldn't exactly use it. We will however use it as a guideline and have edited it and cut it where needed (as if it was our actual film). Today we are going to figure out a plan on the day we will film and carry on researching fonts and creating sounds on GarageBand.

Monday 7 February 2011


As we drew on the symbol on our actresses neck, we needed images just try and ensure we get it in the right place again.

Garage Band

Print screen of our soundtrack on garage band, we are still working on it so it isn't finished yet. 

Filming & Editing

Last Wednesday we went to Wollaton Park and filmed the beginning of our horror film. We were there for an hour and shot quite a few sections from the story in that time. During today's lesson we imported what we had and then just cut it down to the decent shots and the ones we needed. When looking over though we saw that some of our shots weren't in focus, this has effected our film as it's clearly unfocused for us to be able to use. We have decided to film, hopefully all, of your sequence during the half term.