Thursday 28 October 2010

Evaluation of preliminary assessment - By Natalie Thorpe

Use Of Camera

Our finished work shows we used a wide variety of different shots throughout the video, we included long shots, close ups, extreme closeups, mid shots and a high angle shot. We also used panning at the beginning of the clip to show the audience the surrounding and the view that the character has, we also used zoom with the focus towards the end of the video to emphasise the importance of the pendant.We all tried using the camera to do shots throughout the video, so we all made an equal contribution to the exercise. Some of the shots were better than others but in this case we just watched them back then re shoot then, if we would of left the not so good shots we would have had to shoot again, which could of caused continuity errors. So overall i think the shots were all steady  and framed appropriately to a high standard. We used the composition grid the most as it was useful to position the character whilst still seeing the background, the audience will immediately be drown to what is happening in the background. I think we could of improved the video by adding transitions but overall i think we worked well together.

Use Of Editing

We applied the rules of continuity editing throughout the video as all the shots flowed nicely together although this was normally our downfall I think we did really well in the exercise as the transition from one shot to another didn't look out of place although i think some of the shots needed speeding up a little so it flows better and to keep the audience interested in the video. To make sure we used enough shots we drew a story board before hand so when we came to shoot the video we knew what we were doing. I think the editing we used had a positive effect on the video as we used quite alot of the sound effects, we used the wind noises throughout the video as there was already leaves blowing around so it made it more realistic and  gave it a more mysterious feel. We also used a scary sound effect when we zoomed in on the pendant this was to show the importance of the object. It was good working together as we all had different ideas to contribute to the editing, so we all added to each others ideas to make the video a better standard.

Selection Of Content

The film genre we choose was a psychological horror, although the actor in our video was a modern everyday boy it had a more realistic fell to it, it made it more believable for the audience. We didn't really use any extreme costumes or makeup for the video as we was only shooting 40 seconds we used one prop which was a pendant, i thought it was effective as we keep it simple so the attention was on the main prop. If we was shooting out real horror film we would have definitely used a wide variety of props to give a more horror like genre. The location we choose was the Arboretum in Nottingham it was perfect for the exercise as it was  quiet and extremely relevant as the video we choose to shot was originally set there we decided to shot in a different place to the original video  because we wanted it to be different. The actor in a film was Alex he is also a member of the group, we decided to use him as the actor as he was fit for the role and we wanted to make sure everyone has has a go at acting.

Self- assessment

My role in the film was to create the storyboard, however we all did contribute by suggesting different shots to make the finial video a better standard. I also did the pictures for the before and after shots of the actor and found a few different places for the location. I also did part of the filming so i got a chance to try out using the camera whilst doing the different shots, I gave alot of input to the exercise as i tend to get my point across by suggesting different ideas to make the video unique and gripping to watch. I think we all had a go at editing equally as we all suggested different techniques and worked together well! I think we could of improved by making it flow abit better by speeding up the shots and adding a few more affects but overall i think it was a  considerably good attempt and i thoroughly enjoyed doing it. I think when we do our final piece we will include some better props and costumes to make it more realistic and more enjoyable. We will also shot alot more types of shots so we have a variety and don't have to re shot all the time. Although we worked well together it is quite hard to find time to meet up as we are all from different areas so this could affect our real horror film.

By Natalie Thorpe

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