Monday 20 December 2010

Storyboard & Shot List - Drafts

Today's Lesson 20/12/10

Today was the last lesson before the Christmas holidays meaning when we come back we'll have just a few lessons before the Planning Folder Deadline. With Joe we went over what needed to be done and had already been finished but may need to be improved. What we need to finish is the test shots and make-up sheets and need to get a finalised storyboard and shot list. The latter two, were both finished as drafts but we found they were too short. When talking to Joe we let her know that we were planning on more close-ups as we'd seen ourselves that most of it was done in long shots; as it's a sanatic type film we'd thought it would be good to add plenty of shots of the symbols so we'll use this to collect more time. Joe also suggested we include some POV shots from the 'creature'.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Storyboard, Shot List & Script

 Today we finished our storyboard and shot list. These however are only drafts as we feel, when going through the two, that our film may be too short. We will use these for our films but we may just have to included a few more shots, possibly close-ups. We also found it quite differcult to guess how long the titles will be on screen, we didn't want them to be on there too long as it would drag but as they last over around seven shots, putting them a second each seemed to quick for the whole two minutes.

Monday 13 December 2010


Today we were in a computer room, so we could upload some of our completed sheets to our blog. We all decided to make a start on the script; we looked at our storyboard to give ideas for the script and also the template script helped us construct our own version. We then began to look at the font types for our title sequence. The website we used was, after doing the font type sheet we moved on to doing the shot list using the story board to help.

Simple Font Ideas

We thought we needed to start looking for fonts for the titles in our films; we looked through the fonts on Word and they wasn't any that stood out as a horror style font. We then looked on font sites ( & and that had a few decent fonts that we might use. 



In today’s lesson we discussed our ideas for our film, we made sure we knew exactly what is going to happen throughout. We also spoke to Jo as a group, we went through our folder with her so we could analyse what sheets we had done and then we shared out the remaining sheets equally. After doing this we started completely the sheets.

Monday 6 December 2010

Satanic symbol Ideas

These are some of the ideas we have thought of for the symbols to use in our film.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Marking Previous Student Work

(This has been marked solely on the clips without sound as when I came to do it no sound worked, despite turning up both volumes up on the clips and the computer I worked on.)
Video 1 (Linear/Omniscient)
The film clearly shows it can hold a shot steady to some degree, uses different shot types, like length and movement and framing them correctly. The major strengths I believe are the framings of the shot. The weakness would be the last few shots, they seem a bit shaky and cluttered, it’s acceptable however as the film is reaching its climax with the killer approaching.  The sequence establishes themes and genre as it’s a simple murdering film; a girl is alone, at night with a killer coming to get her. I personally would have given the film 39 marks, making it a Level 3.
Video 2 (Linear/Omniscient)
The film also shows that it can hold a shot steady; the students have clearly used a tripod as the pans are good. These become the strengths of the film; the shots are quite perfect with framing and steadiness. Even when the victim is being follow and the camera becomes hand-held; its framing is done well. The weakness would be the mise-en-scène; you wouldn’t expect it to be light given it’s a werewolf genre, apart from this its fine. The film establishes genre with its beginning, you can clearly she ‘werewolf’ claw marks on the victim. I would give this film 42 marks meaning it would be a high Level 3.
Video 3 (Linear/Restricted)
The transitions of this sequence would be its strength. When it’s reaching its key scene, the transitions become fast, working with the pace of which the victim would be panicking, or so it makes you believe. This then connects to good mise-en-scène. The weaknesses would be the shots, the beginning is very unsteady and it becomes quite awkward for a viewer to watch. I’d give this film 22 marks, making it a mid-Level 2.
Video 4 (Linear/Restricted)
The major strength of this film, I believe, would be its mise-en-scène. The colour, lighting and setting all fit and look well on screen. Its only weakness I can point out would be its shot distance, it all seems far back, there are one or two close ups but I think there could have been more points to use this to make it more effective. It establishes genre with the weapons and blood, I don’t think you could put it into one genre specifically but it would most likely be psychological and slasher due to the blood and threat. If I had to mark this film I would give it 46, just hitting the Level 4 mark.
Video 5 (Linear/Restricted)
I think the shot transitions and editing would be this film’s strengths. I think the weaknesses are its shots, like the one before the distance just doesn’t help the film. It looks as if it’s all been film quite far back as most are long shots. There is a close up of a phone but even that doesn’t look done as well as it could have been. It establishes a zombie genre with the dead bodies and then the last clip one attacking a victim but nothing really other than that. I would give this film 20 marks, making it a Level 2.